SFPUC Biosolids Digester Facilities Project (BDFP)
Earthworks, Piling Foundation and Site Dewatering Package 1- Malcolm Drilling Haul Road Paving Project
1800 Jerrold Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94124
November 2021 - February 2022
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
$1.453 M
Malcolm Drilling Company, Inc.

Overall Project

As part of the Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP), the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) is investing over $2 billion to upgrade and modernize the aging Southeast Treatment Plant (SEP) to reduce odors, be better prepared for earthquakes and sea level rise, and ensure operational redundancy and efficiency. When complete, the city’s largest wastewater pollution treatment plant will be transformed into a resource recovery facility that smells better, looks better and works better.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) will replace and relocate the outdated existing solids treatment facilities with more reliable, efficient and modern technologies and facilities. The new facilities will produce a higher quality biosolids, capture and treat odors more effectively and maximize biogas utilization and energy recovery.  In addition, the project will locate the digesters farther away from the existing residences and make visual improvements in and around the Southeast Treatment Plant.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, local stakeholders, and the community at large will benefit from a new, efficient treatment system constructed in adherence with current seismic standards and built to improve standard operations.

Earthworks, Piling Foundation and Site Dewatering Package 1- Malcolm Drilling Company - Haul Road Paving Project

Marinship Development Interest served as a key early subcontractor to Malcolm Drilling for the installation of their temporary haul road for their $250 million earthwork and piling foundation project.  Marinship paved over 54,000 SF of temporary asphalt construction access roads and 4000 SF of 10 inch thick concrete slab used as laydown area and to stockpile excavated spoils for off haul for the mass excavation and deep piling installation for the new Biosolids Facility.  Depending on the site requirements, the road was paved between 4 and 7 inches thick to withstand construction hauling and loading equipment.  

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